The Prayer Cycle
The Prayer Cycle, part of the 10,000 Years Project, is a group of small, intimate, jewel-like pieces with a repeating modernist horizon orientation. These pieces were created as a response and acknowledgment of the worldwide pandemic.
These works respond in a small way to all the prayers, repeatedly recited, in all cultures and traditions, continuously circling the globe during this unprecedented time.
The Prayer Cycle 13, 4x5 inches, 2020, unique silver gelatin Suryagram
The Prayer Cycle 1, 4x5 inches, 2020, unique silver gelatin Suryagram
The Prayer Cycle 8, 4x5 inches, 2020, unique silver gelatin Suryagram
The Prayer Cycle 9, 4x5 inches, 2020, unique silver gelatin Suryagram
The Prayer Cycle 4, 4x5 inches, 2020, unique silver gelatin Suryagram
The Prayer Cycle 6, 4x5 inches, 2020, unique silver gelatin Suryagram
The Prayer Cycle 5, 4x5 inches, 2020, unique silver gelatin Suryagram